Founded by & for architects and designers. Our multi-disciplinary team consists of experts in 3D printing, product development, parametric design, robotics, engineering, architecture, design, and commerce. We are always interested to connect with bright, ambitious & fun people to grow our team. And we are training the next generation with our Aectual internship program. Get in touch!
Aectual CEO Hans Vermeulen is driven to disrupt the global 13+ Trillion construction-industry with architectural 3D print platform Aectual. He is a thought leader in the field of digital architecture, with 15 years of experience in scaling cutting-edge architecture firm DUS prior to founding digital construction firm Aectual: The global go-to platform for customizable architectural products. With its proprietary software tools and XL 3D robotic printers Aectual produces architectural elements that are individually designed and produced in mass numbers, made of recycled and natural materials, and used all over the world by renowned clients like Nike, BMW, and Amsterdam Airport.
Creative Director & Co-founder Hedwig Heinsman believes that "Architecture is the backdrop for all human life." With this in mind, Hedwig co-founded DUS architects 15 years ago and currently leads Aectual as Creative director in her vision to make unique design solutions available to the masses. She has a Master in Architecture from Delft University of Technology (Cum Laude) and studied at Helsinki University of Technology. She is an international keynote speaker, teacher at various architecture schools and has been a member of many worldwide architectural juries.
Martine de Wit is co-founder of Aectual and Architectural Product Developer, and as such she is the driving force who brings concepts to realization. She obtained her Master's degree from Delft University of Technolgy and also studied at the ETH Zurich under the professorship of Greg Lynn. It was here where her fascination for digital fabrication started, which now comes to adulthood at Aectual. She teaches at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam and has over 15 years of experience in the architecture and building industry.
During his studies in Architecture Sven de Haan specialized in the emergent field of parametric design and digital fabrication. Recognized as one of the most promising graduates in his discipline, he now works with Aectual to make customizable architecture available for the end-user. He combines his knowledge of programming, fabrication processes and architectural design for his work at this interdisciplinary intersection.
As an industrial designer, Mathijs Stoober is always interested in embodying designs into prototypes and products. Besides working behind the computer, he loves to be in the workshop and make things with his hands.
At Aectual, Mathijs is involved as a production manager and producer to streamline the production process. With his embodiment knowledge of 3D printing, engineering and polymers he is developing new products and production techniques.
Kevin Landais is our main print operator and the driving force behind all things technical at Aectual, whether hardware or software. He upgrades our workstations with the same ease as he installs a new XL robot in our production facility.
Building up many years of experience in international accounting and administration, Nanda van Riel became a strong professional that rocked the financial world. After taking a detour and becoming a teacher at a primary school, she is now back on track, handling all accounting and administration at Aectual.